Monday, August 18, 2008

Optimise your website with

In order to perform Search Engine Optimisation on your own website successfully, here are some tips to get you on your way.

Doing Search Engine Optimisation yourself is a good option, if you have the time. It is very time consuming and you will have to do a lot of research before you can start. However, there is so much information out there, be it on the internet or in books, you should be on your way in no time. Before you even start optimising your website, take a good look at your site and make sure that it is a great site and that it can compete with who ever your competitors are. Being in the top ten you should want to have a “top ten” website. Be sure to include a sitemap in your website as spiders can’t index pages that cannot be crawled. A site map helps spiders find important pages on your website. While you are working on your website be sure to use keywords in your file names and URLs.
Keywords are a very powerful tool when optimising your site. Analyze your keywords and make sure that they accurately reflect what your business and website is about.
Remember that Search Engine Optimisation cannot be done overnight. If you want to see results you need to crate a plan of action and stick to it. You need to be committed to the long-term process of optimisation. Results do not happen immediately and can often take months to see. Don’t be discouraged, perseverance is the key to success where SEO is concerned.
The best way to track your efforts is by using web analytics software, it is always rewarding to see when your time and effort is paying off.

PR Online.
Jason Lee
086 664 7711